Sanilac County commissioners reappoint roles at first organizational meeting of 2024

With Commissioners Jon Block and Roger Ballard re-elected by the board to serve as chair and vice-chair, the first Sanilac County Board of Commissioners meeting of 2024 took place yesterday, January 2.
State Police Motor Carrier Officers Join Forces to Fight Human Trafficking

During National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Michigan State Police (MSP) motor carrier officers are teaming up with officers from across the nation and the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) to raise awareness of human trafficking.
MSP Caro Post celebrates 35 years of service by retiring administrative assistant
After 35 years spent with the Michigan State Police, former Civilian of the Year recipient Kathy Kirsch retired yesterday from her role as the Caro Post’s administrative assistant.
Melvin Gentner, 81
Melvin Gentner, age 81 of Ruth, passed away on Sunday, December 31, 2023.
Benita Anderson, 90
Benita Anderson, age 90 of Harbor Beach, passed away on Monday, January 1, 2024.