Sanilac County commissioners reappoint roles at first organizational meeting of 2024


With Commissioners Jon Block and Roger Ballard re-elected by the board to serve as chair and vice-chair, the first Sanilac County Board of Commissioners meeting of 2024 took place yesterday, January 2.
The meeting was focused mainly on administrative housekeeping, with the commissioners reestablishing roles and responsibilities to be addressed in the new year. Once re-elected as board chairman, District 1 Commissioner Block reappointed District 4 Commissioner Bill Sarkella as the finance chairman. In addition, the board approved the upcoming year’s scheduled meetings.
With the annual reappointment of several committees, such as the county’s Information/Technology Planning Committee and the LEPC/Emergency Management Committee, no changes were made from the 2023 appointments, with over 20 people resuming positions on the two committees.
The board also reappointed Sandusky Police Chief Brett Lester as the Drug Task Force Board’s Police Chief Association Representative. The commissioners plan continuing with their previously assigned committee appointments.
Though the meeting was organizational in intent, the board did cover some new business, such as approving the Sheriff’s Office sponsorship of two recruits through Delta College’s MCOLES Police Academy.
The board will meet next on Tuesday, January 16, at 1:00 p.m.

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