Croswell-Lexington School Board celebrates board members, eliminates meeting recordings


The Croswell-Lexington Board of Education held their first meeting of 2024 on Monday evening, announcing plenty of exciting developments for the new year ahead.

With January being School Board Appreciation Month in Michigan, the board started by extending a special thank you to all of its members. Certificates were awarded with a special effort being made to donate members’ favorite childhood books to the district’s libraries.

The new lift bus previously purchased in 2022 is also waiting for delivery and inspection. Approval for selling the old lift bus and two sub buses is underway. The state recommends districts have at least five sub buses at any time. The district currently has seven. The board made the final motion to eliminate future recordings of meetings starting in February. This motion was carried following a report on stagnant viewer engagement analytics over the past several months.

The next board meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 6, at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School Media Center.