McKenzie Health System teams up with Stop the Bleed to empower Thumb community, save lives


Sanilac County., Mich. – In the wake of tragic events such as the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting, the national awareness campaign “Stop the Bleed” has emerged as a crucial initiative to equip bystanders with the skills and resources needed to intervene in bleeding emergencies. Whether it’s a mass shooting, a workplace accident, or a roadside collision, Stop the Bleed aims to empower individuals to take swift and effective action in critical situations before professional help arrives.
McKenzie Health System is proud to stand behind the mission of Stop the Bleed and is dedicated to fostering a culture of preparedness and action within our community. As part of this commitment, we are offering complimentary training classes to churches, schools, and community groups, equipping them with the skills and confidence needed to respond effectively to bleeding emergencies.
Every second counts in a bleeding emergency. Studies show that a person can succumb to blood loss within as little as five minutes, underlining the critical importance of immediate intervention. Recognizing this, Stop the Bleed emphasizes the role of bystanders as vital first responders who can provide essential care in those crucial initial moments.
“Our Trauma Program at McKenzie Health System is deeply invested in promoting injury prevention and equipping our community with life-saving skills,” said Lacey Shea, RN, Stop The Bleed Educator and Trauma Coordinator. “By providing free Stop the Bleed training, we aim to empower individuals to be proactive and prepared, potentially saving lives in the process.”
Stop the Bleed training focuses on simple yet crucial actions that bystanders can take immediately following a traumatic event. From applying pressure to using tourniquets, these techniques can make a significant difference in stabilizing a patient until professional medical assistance arrives.
“As a community it’s important that we come together to care for one another,” adds Lacey. “I appreciate being part of an organization that makes this a priority and takes the lead in educating others on how to do just that.”
For more information on Stop the Bleed training opportunities or to schedule a session for your organization, please contact Lacey by calling 810-648-6204 or email her at For more information about McKenzie Health System, visit or call 810-648-3770.

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