M-46 from M-19 to Campbell Road closed to traffic starting March 26


As part of their ongoing work projects in Sandusky, MDOT closed M-46 to through traffic from M-19 to Campbell Road starting today, Tuesday, March 26.
Prior to Tuesday’s traffic shift, eastbound traffic on M-46 was detoured while westbound traffic was maintained. With Tuesday’s road closing, both directions of M-46 are now closed and will be detoured via M-19 and Campbell Road south to Miller Road and back to M-46.
MDOT officials expect the closure to be in place until July of this year, when they complete the project’s first stage. This closure and road work is being implemented in coordination with the City of Sandusky’s watermain improvements. The road work is being done as a part of a $26.4 million investment to rebuild and improve M-46 and M-19 in Sanilac County. Work includes replacing the M-46 bridge over the Black River, rebuilding M-46 in the city of Sandusky, replacing storm sewer, upgrading traffic signals, replacing curbs, upgrading sidewalks, safety improvements, new bridge approaches, and guardrail work.
The project is expected to finish in November 2025.

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