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Second Annual Easter Egg Hunt a positive hit at Sanilac Museum!


The Port Sanilac Parks Department and Sanilac County Historical Society are happy to announce that their second annual Easter Egg Hunt, held this past Saturday, was a success.
With over 155 children in attendance, kids of all ages enjoyed a hunt designed just for them. For instance, kids aged under 4 scrambled for eggs behind the Barn Theatre while kids ages 5 through 8 scooped up eggs in the White Pine Grove. The oldest group, kids ages 9 through 12, enjoyed hunting the Nature Trail for their eggs.
In addition to thanking all those who were able to attend, organizers also thank those who helped make the day a success, such as those who donated help in the form of candy, decorations and straw bales, prizes and their time.
In addition to the egg hunt, Saturday, March 30 also saw families enjoy pony rides and a petting zoo by Celebrating Magical-Mobile Wishes, while local celebrities Dog and Bear hosted coloring activities inside the Deckerville Depot. The museum would like to remind the community that their next family fun day will be July 5th from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., and will feature music, petting zoos, craft activities, games, and so much more!

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