Croswell city council approves bid for tree removal and trimming

The Croswell City Council met this past Monday, welcoming discussion on future city improvements and tree removal bids.
Albert Earl Ellis, 99
Albert Earl Ellis, age 99 of Allenton, passed away on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.
Imlay City theatre/dance instructor couple featured in state’s newest #proudMiEducator video

The latest Michigan educators to be featured in the #proudMieducator video series are a married couple who teach theater and dance to students in Lapeer County.
Two Sanilac County Farmers bring home 2024 Farm Bureau Young Farmer Awards

Every year young Michigan farmers, ages 18-35, face off in categories geared toward recognizing their agricultural involvement, leadership and achievements via Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer Awards. This year, two Sanilac County farmers were among the four winners,
Port Huron man arrested after stabbing Kimball man during bar argument

A 41-year-old Port Huron man was arrested Tuesday after stabbing a man at the City Limits Tavern.