McKenzie Health System Presents Healthy Living Together Event: Digital Safety for Parents


In today’s world, the internet is a big part of our lives. It’s used for fun, learning, and staying connected with the world and friends.

However, it is important for parents to know how to keep their kids safe online. That’s why Digital Safety is the topic of McKenzie Health System’s next Healthy Living Together virtual event, which is scheduled for May 15, 2024, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

The featured speaker for the Wednesday event is local digital safety expert, Sandusky Police Officer and Sanilac County Sheriff’s Deputy Matt Gezequel, who will share tips and answer questions to help parents protect their families in the digital world.

Additional details and registration information is available at or by calling 810-648-6117. Parents, guardians, and anyone who cares about kids’ safety online are welcome to attend. Learn, ask questions, and connect with others who want to keep kids safe online.

Healthy Living Together is a project developed by McKenzie Health System in collaboration with the Sanilac County Health Department, MSU Extension, Great Start Collaborative Sanilac, and Sanilac County Community Mental Health.