Applegate man arrested for fleeing and eluding Huron County deputies during 100mph chase


A Sanilac County man was arrested over the weekend in Huron County after leading sheriff’s deputies on a chase topping speeds of 100mph.
According to the Huron County Sheriff’s Office, the incident began shortly after 4:00 p.m. in Meade Township on Saturday, May 25, when one patrolling deputy, Deputy Austin Volmering, and his radar pinged a Dodge Charger traveling south on Pinnebog Road, near Crown Road, at 100mph. The deputy immediately acted to pull over the driver, but the driver refused to stop or even slow down, instead heading west on Crown Road.
Deputy Volmering was soon joined in the chase by Deputy Nathan Leppek, but ended the chase out of safety concerns, with the fleeing and pursuing vehicles averaging 90 mph as they traveled the county’s dirt roads.
Within a half hour of ending the chase, a passerby called and reported a damaged vehicle in a Soper Road ditch, just a few miles from where deputies ended their chase. Deputy Leppek arrived at the scene first and recognized both the car and the driver from the pursuit and promptly arrested the 18-year-old man from Applegate.
The Applegate man was not injured in the crash, but was booked on a felony fleeing and eluding charge, with more charges possible. He was briefly held at the Huron County Jail before posting bond, being one of seven people booked at the Huron County Jail over the Memorial Day weekend.
According to the Huron County Sheriff’s Office, there were at least two other incidents of speeding over the holiday period, but those drivers immediately complied with deputies and pulled over when prompted.

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