Area law enforcement urges safety while enjoying holiday fireworks


As we approach the 4th of July, local law enforcement is reminding the Thumb community to be safe as they enjoy fireworks at home.
The Port Huron Police Department recently released a list of tips to keep the public safe and in compliance this holiday. With many municipalities having a fireworks ordinance, police urge the community to adhere to their city’s fireworks ordinance to avoid fines and ensure community safety, and to remember that use of public spaces for fireworks is prohibited.
Furthermore, regarding safety, law enforcement advises to always have a sober adult present while using fireworks, with young children to be kept from handling them. It is also recommended that you use fireworks in a clear, open area away from buildings, vehicles, and flammable materials on your property, and to keep a bucket of water or a garden hose nearby in case of fire or other mishaps.
Once the fun is done and the fireworks complete their burning, be sure to douse them with plenty of water before disposing of them in a metal trash can. By following these tips, local law enforcement hopes that the Thumb community stays safe and enjoys the holiday.

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