Lapeer man arraigned on aggravated possession of sexually abusive material, using a computer to commit a crime


A Lapeer man was arrested and arraigned last week for aggravated possession of child sexually abusive material and using a computer to commit a crime.
The Michigan State Police (MSP) Computer Crimes Unit, Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force announced they had arrested 37-year-old Eric John Rydzewski, Lapeer, following an investigation in which digital evidence was seized from his home. The investigation was initiated when it was learned that Rydzewski was viewing files of child sexually abusive material on the internet.
Rydzewski was charged with two counts of aggravated possession of child sexually abusive material and two counts of using a computer to commit a crime, being arraigned on the charges in the 71-A District Court on Thursday, August 29. He posted his $50,000 bond several days later, and has entered a not guilty plea.
A count of aggravated possession is punishable by no more than four years of imprisonment and/or a fine of no more than $10,000. A count of using a computer to commit a crime, due to the nature of the felony it’s paired with, is punishable by jail time of no more than 7 years and/or a fine of no more than $5,000.
The MSP Computer Crimes Unit encourages parents to speak to their children about the safe use of the internet. There are many resources available to parents to assist in keeping children safe online.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children provides a comprehensive list of resources on their website at The MSP ICAC Task Force also provides resources at

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