Caro MSP seized guns during two traffic stops over Labor Day weekend


MSP Caro troopers were kept busy over the Labor Day weekend, with officers handling a wide variety of incidents, from speeding to gun seizures.
One motorist was caught in Sanilac County while going over 100mph on M-53. Over the weekend, troopers investigated 39 complaints and eight crashes, stopped 190 vehicles, issued 62 citations,and issued 151 verbal warnings. Of those stops, Trooper Steven Tuohey conducted 47 of them and issued 26 citations, but two of his otherwise routine traffic stops took odd turns on Friday, August 30.
Both incidents occurred in the Millington Township area on M-15, only two hours apart. Tpr. Tuohey stopped a car Friday, shortly after 12:30 p.m. due to the driver not wearing his seatbelt. While stopped, it was learned that the 36-year-old Millington man had a loaded 10mm handgun without a valid concealed pistol license. The handgun was seized and a report will be sent to the Tuscola County’s Prosecuting Attorney for possible charges.
Almost two hours later, Tpr. Tuohey stopped another vehicle due to the driver not wearing his seatbelt, and the stop ended with three guns being seized. The suspect, a 26-year-old Otisville man, was lodged at the Tuscola County Jail on felony charges. The guns seized include a .40 caliber semi-auto pistol, .22 revolver, and .22 rifle.
MSP Caro troopers have been working extra patrols focusing on intoxicated driving and safety belt violations. This extra enforcement will continue for the next several weeks.

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