No injuries were reported after a downed power line caused a two-alarm fire Tuesday in Lapeer County. Shortly before noon on September 10th, Lapeer Central Dispatch received a report that a delivery truck had struck an electrical wire in the 200 block of Saratoga Trail in Mayfield Township. Upon arrival at the scene, officials discovered that the downed line had caused a small grass fire. Members of the City of Lapeer’s Fire and Rescue noted that the high-voltage transmission line was indeed active and energized. Shortly after 12:15 p.m., a nearby 10 by 14 shed caught fire, quickly becoming fully engulfed in flames. The response was upgraded to a second alarm, with Deerfield Fire and Rescue and the Columbiaville Fire Department providing assistance. Officials with Consumers Energy also responded to the scene to address a burning gas line. DTE had to isolate power to over 600 residents in order to make the area safe for firefighting and response efforts. The fire was quickly contained from spreading further, although the shed was declared a total loss. The City of Lapeer’s Fire Chief Michael Vogt reminds the public to stay clear of downed wires, and to always report downed lines to authorities right away.