Croswell City Council reports good progress on road construction, plans for bike path reflector replacements

Although fall is just a few days away, the threat of winter looms on the horizon for many construction projects–especially those in Michigan.
David Hartwick, 63
David Hartwick, age 63 of Applegate, passed away on Sunday, September 15, 2024.
Robert “Bob” Rowley, 93
Robert “Bob” Rowley, age 93 of Lapeer, passed away on Monday, September 16, 2024.
Catherine Grace Andrich, 69
Catherine Grace Andrich, age 69 of Marlette, passed away on Saturday, September 14, 2024.
Russell R. Nichol, 65
Russell R. Nichol, age 65 of Arizona (formerly Sandusky), passed away on Sunday, May 26, 2024.
Edward “Ed” May, 83
Edward “Ed” May, age 83 of North Branch, passed away on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
Thumb Bank & Trust announces promotion of Jim Hempton to COO

Thumb Bank & Trust is pleased to announce the promotion of Jim Hempton to Chief Operating Officer.
Sanilac County Wins 2024 Daniel Burnham Masterplan Award

The Sanilac County Masterplan has been awarded the Daniel Burnham Prestigious Planning Award for County Masterplan’s by the Michigan Association of Planning (MAP/APA Michigan).