The Sanilac County Masterplan has been awarded the Daniel Burnham Prestigious Planning Award for County Masterplan’s by the Michigan Association of Planning (MAP/APA Michigan).
The initiative to update the Sanilac County Masterplan began in April of 2022, with officials choosing to collaborate with On Target Media for the project. Then, On Target Media sought out a partnership with Beckett and Raeder to assist in updating the previous County Masterplan. A Masterplan Committee was formed, comprised of local residents, business leaders, and local officials to review and analyze the project regularly as it was created.
Town hall meetings and surveys were conducted to assist in gathering public thoughts and opinions during the creation of the masterplan. All the time and effort that went into the final product has allowed our county to have a polished masterplan that will serve the county for years to come.
A jury of APA Missouri Chapter Professionals who reviewed the masterplan noted the following: “Planning for rural areas is often overlooked, and this plan is outstanding for addressing the inadequacy of the planning profession in general. This plan does an outstanding job of providing county government and other municipalities in the county with a common roadmap for the future.”
The county would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their efforts on this project:
- Lisa Kenny of On Target Media, who lead the project.
- Beckett and Raeder Inc.
- Sanilac County Planning Commission Members: Scott Kenny, Denise Bush, Paul Cowley, John Knoerr, Janet Kargl, Gary Heberling, Jon Block, and Jeff Alexander.
- Sanilac County Masterplan Steering Committee: Gertie Van Den Goor, Jason McConnachie, Joshua Robinson, Carl Osentoski, Nathan Roskey, Richard Lafambroise, Dave Faber, Angie Wagester, Scott Kenny, Densie Bush, Jon Block, Gary Heberling, Jody Morris, and Rowan Brady.
- Sanilac County Board of Commissioners: Jon Block, Gary Heberling, Roger Ballard, Bill Sarkella, Christine Lee, Evans Ehardt, and John Moody.
Special thanks to all the Sanilac County residents who came to our visioning sessions and those who answered surveys. Also, to the Youth Advisory Council Members who gave valuable input on what young people want and need in the future.