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Sandusky to hold public hearing on proposed chicken ordinance October 21


Sandusky’s next city council meeting will feature a public hearing about a possible chicken ordinance, almost two years after the ordinance was first suggested.
Prior to the first city council meeting in November 2022, the council received a letter from Debra Biniecki suggesting that they look at the current ordinance against chicken ownership in city limits, listing several benefits to keeping chickens, from having a more sustainable and self-reliant food source and because “they’re just fun.” Mayor Lukshaitis asked council member and then-head of the ordinance committee Norton Schramm to get together with city manager Dave Faber and reach out to Ms. Biniecki, who had also recommended a two-year pilot program with a limited number of residents having up to six chickens each.
Since that instruction in November 2022, an ordinance has been drafted and discussed, and now, according to current committee chair Tim Stone, it’s time for public feedback. Community members for or against the ordinance idea are urged to attend the next city council meeting, on Monday, October 21, for the public hearing.
Also at Monday night’s meeting, City Manager Dave Faber informed the council that the Diamond Trail’s bathroom project is currently being worked on, and the contracts have been signed for the demolition work on the buildings at 24 and 36 South Morse Street in Sandusky.
With ongoing talk since 2019 at least, when the city bought the former dance studio at 24 S Morse Street, the city has been eyeing that particular block for further parking expansion. However, they may have to wait a bit longer—though the demolition is planned for December, there is still a six-month time frame from when the contract is signed for the work to actually begin.
The city council also voted on Monday to approve trick-or-treating hours for this year’s Halloween celebrations from 5-7 p.m. on October 31.

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