Elementary students to choose name for new Port Huron Police K-9

The Port Huron Police Department is pleased to announce two significant additions to their department’s K-9 unit, that of new K-9 handler, Officer Caleb Paul, and his 14-month-old German Shepherd.
The pup recently arrived from the Slovak Republic, and still does not have a name yet—but only because the police department, as part of visits made by Officer Paul and others this past week, were asking local elementary school students for their ideas and best drawings of the new K-9.
In addition to teaching students about K-9s and the work they do, these visits yielded some fantastic art, which the department will be sharing in the lead up to announcing the new dog’s name. The police department wants to thank the students for their enthusiasm and creativity, as well as helping the department properly welcome the newest member of their family.

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