Sanilac County, Mich. – McKenzie Health System is excited to announce that Dr. Mark Hamed and Lacey Shea have been selected for important statewide advisory groups, showing the hospital’s commitment to improving emergency care in Michigan.
Dr. Hamed will join the Statewide Stroke Care Advisory Subcommittee, and Lacey Shea will serve on the Statewide STEMI Care Advisory Subcommittee. Both will start their three-year terms in January 2025.
Dr. Hamed has also earned national recognition for his work in rural trauma care. After a meeting with the American College of Surgeons Trauma Rural Advisory Council, leaders in the College were impressed by the programs at McKenzie Health System. Dr. Hamed was invited to join the Stakeholder Advisory Group for a project called TRUCARE, which will create a toolkit to help improve trauma care for rural patients through telemedicine. The two-year project starts in July 2025 and is supported by the American College of Surgeons, the Coalition for National Trauma Research, and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD).
These appointments highlight the efforts McKenzie Health System has made to improve patient care and earn certifications in stroke and heart attack (STEMI) treatment. The hospital’s focus on better care practices ensures that patients in Sanilac County and beyond get high-quality treatment during emergencies. By taking on these state and national roles, Dr. Hamed and Lacey Shea will help set standards for care and share McKenzie’s successful practices with others.
“McKenzie Health System’s dedication to excellence in emergency and trauma care has helped us get recognized for our stroke and STEMI programs and lead efforts at higher levels,” said Steve Barnett, McKenzie President and CEO. “Dr. Hamed and Lacey Shea’s appointments, along with Dr. Hamed’s involvement in the national teletrauma project, show our commitment to improving healthcare quality, setting new standards, and making sure patients get the best outcomes.”
Dr. Hamed has served as the Medical Director for the Department of Emergency Medicine and Department of Hospital Medicine for over a decade. In addition, he is the Level IV Trauma Program Medical Director, Accredited Geriatric ED Medical Director, Acute Stroke Ready Medical Director, and Acute Heart Attack Ready Medical Director.
Lacey is the Emergency Department Manager, Trauma Program/Injury Prevention Coordinator, and Stroke and STEMI Program Manager.
For more information about McKenzie Health System’s emergency services, visit www.McKenzieHealth.org.