As the clock ticks down to election day and early voting finishes out on Sunday, Sanilac County voters are being asked to consider local leaders on their ballots.
With several challengers, write-in or otherwise, to certain seats, several local boards and councils may look very different after election day. For instance, in Sandusky, as Norton Schram retires and incumbents Ginny Bissett and Sandra Barr look to stay on the council, there are six other challengers for the three seats up for election. Daniel Caporuscio, Todd Hillman, Lisa Marie Leach, Kimbery Ostowski, Scott Ostrowski and Timothy Torp are all throwing their hats in the ring for the Sandusky City Council, with each looking to improve the city in various ways.
The same can be said of challengers Jack Lautner and Brian Main, who seek the newly open spot on the Minden City Council while five incumbents, Steve Gamer, Susan Gornowicz, Mark Klawon, Sara Lautner and Robert Rohn, hope to keep their seats.
Meanwhile, in Marlette, the three incumbents–Stephen Quade, James P. Wilson and Donald Redman– hope to hold onto their seat while they face one challenger in Dan Edwards.
In Lexington, Mayor Kristen Kaatz is being challenged by businessman James Gresock, while Kathleen DeCoster and Wilbert Morris hope to stay on the council. There is a third seat vacant, with challenger Larry Adams or Christopher Cole to join the incumbents if they’re reelected.
In Deckerville, challengers Sarah J. Lewis and Andrew Watts look to unseat at least two of three incumbents trying to keep their seat, with David West, Edwin R. Dore and Ronald Ridley hoping to stay on the council.
In Brown City, Neil Kohler and Mark Vaerten look to fill a vacant seat and/or replace an incumbent for their council seat, with Ross McIvor, Patricia Jacobson, Gene Navock, Robert Jacobson, and Walter Robison filing for reelection. Mayor Julie Miller initially was unchallenged, but has been challenged by a write-in candidate.
Write-in candidates have also joined the school board races in Peck, Deckerville, and Croswell-Lexington school districts, with Sandusky Community School District voters being asked on their ballots to choose between Daniel Gerstenberger, David Heberling, Tabitha Jenson and Katie Tovar.