Croswell City Council welcomes new hires, plans to wrap up sidewalk construction in 2025


With a little over a month left in 2024, the Croswell City Council met this past Monday, November 4, announcing several new hires and providing updates on street construction.
Council members shared that the city’s newest addition to the police force started on Monday, October 28. She will be meeting with council and community members in the coming weeks. An offer was extended for the deputy clerk position as well, along with interviews having started for the new ordinance enforcement officers.
City Administrator David Tait also announced that construction on Ward and Brown Streets is almost finished. One section near the railroad tracks requires a permit for the crew to continue. Sidewalks on Davis Street will not be laid down until Spring 2025.
The next upcoming city council meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 18, at 7:30 p.m.

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