Rep. Alexander of Carsonville introduces house bill to oppose Michigan Public Service Commission control


State Rep. Greg Alexander, of Carsonville, introduced House Bills 4027-28 at the state Capitol last week.

The bill, introduced Thursday, January 23, seeks to restore local control to municipalities for energy project siting from the Michigan Public Service Commission. The Commission is composed of three members appointed by the Governor to serve staggered six-year terms, wherein the members’ goal is to “ensur[e] safe, reliable, and accessible energy and telecommunications services at reasonable rates.”

According to Rep. Alexander, over 200,000 acres of land is estimated to be needed for these types of developments to meet accelerated energy mandates by 2035. Michigan currently has about 17,000 acres occupied by wind and solar operations, and rural areas across the state are expected to bear the brunt of expanded siting.

This is not the first time opposition to the MPSC has been voiced by Thumb area officials. The Sanilac County Board of Commissioners has voiced disapproval of ceding control over local zoning to the state for solar and wind projects, as proposed by governor Gretchen Whitmer for the MSPC. In 2023, the board approved a resolution to oppose the state’s consideration.

Then, with Public Act 233, the act that gives the commission that zoning authority, due to go into effect on November 29, 2024, the board chose to retain counsel last fall as they look to stand their ground on the matter.

As for Rep. Alexander’s efforts, his bill has been referred to the House Energy Committee for consideration.

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