In addition to setting a public hearing for the city’s budget next meeting, the Sandusky City Council heard updates regarding the demolition of 24 and 36 South Morse Street at Monday night’s meeting.
With ongoing talk since 2019 at least, when the city bought the former dance studio at 24 S Morse Street, the city has been eyeing that particular block for further parking expansion. With city parking and expansion briefly discussed during talk of the 2023 budget, the real push for expansion came in late 2023, with several business owners expressing to the council the need for more space.
Currently, the plan is to begin the abatement process next week, on Monday, February 10, wherein any and all hazardous materials are removed from the properties before the actual demolition, which will probably happen in March.
Also approved at last night’s meeting was the purchase of a new water meter computer, as the software on the old one had expired. The new one is expected to arrive in March, with the city using a loaner to complete water bills in the meantime.