Huron County election results

(Huron County) – As was the case in many counties throughout Michigan, Huron County had a large turnout with 62% of registered voters go to the polls Tuesday. Of those voters, President-Elect Donald Trump earned 67% of the vote while Hillary Clinton received 29%. In the 10th Congressional race Paul Mitchell earned the nod with 72% support and Edward Canfield defeated James Wencel for the 84th District State Representative seat, 66% to 34%. Two races for County Board of Commissioners races went down to the wire. In District 3, Todd Talaski defeated Terry Brown 1,311 to 1,285 and in District 4, Steve Vaughan won over Rich Swartzendruber 1,012 to 896. Sheridan Township voters passed a fire-ambulance proposal by a wide margin and gave a positive nod to a road millage, with 76% voting yes. Verona Township passed a fire millage 428-169 and a Caseville school operating millage passed 920 – 412.

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