(Greenleaf Township ) – A jury trial on several counts, involving a number of Greenleaf Township officials, is being sought in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. The action claims violations of first amendment rights, assault and battery, violation of the Freedom of Information Act and violation of the Open Meetings Act.
Named in the suit are Greenleaf Township officials, Clerk Judy Keller, Dave Keller, Randall Schuette, Ken Brown, Rosie Quinn and Greenleaf Township of Sanilac County. At question is an October 18th special meeting of the township board where they considered approval of a settlement to former Supervisor Kirk Winter for $187,000.
According to sources, Winter had let his business license lapse and the township was allegedly resisting efforts to have the license reissued, along with an incident in the clerks office that allegedly involved physical contact. With the case just being filed, defendants have time to answer the charges before further court proceedings.