Heroin suspects taken into custody

Four people were taken into custody in Huron County Thursday after receiving complaints of several forged checks being passed at a business. Police believe the suspects had gone to the Detroit area and were on their way back with heroin.
A traffic stop near Bad Axe led to the arrest of three suspects; 25-year old Alicia Ford of Bad Axe, 30-year-old Daniel Bucholtz of Pigeon and 33-year-old Christina Shepherd, also of Bad Axe. All three are facing multiple felony charges and are lodged in the Huron County jail.
As a result of the traffic stop, two search warrant were secured for Bad Axe area homes were police discovered further illegal drug paraphernalia involving heroin.
A fourth person, a 32-year-old man from Filion, was arrested on an unrelated charge during the execution of one of the search warrants.

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