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Six schools with twelve teams took part in the third tournament of the Winter 2017 season for the Thumb Area Quiz Bowl League.  One of the host teams, Bad Axe A, went 4 and 0 to maintain its perfect 12 win/0 loss record for the  season.  Bad Axe A defeated Bad Axe B, Peck B, and Brown City A in the preliminary rounds and then faced Brown City A once again in the championship match.  The final score was Bad Axe A 315 and Brown City A 115.

Taking third place was Uby High which had preliminary wins over Bad Axe C (90-0), Sandusky B ((90-70) and once again over Bad Axe C in the final match (275-160).  Peck B took fifth place with a final win over Peck A (155-140 and Bad Axe B took seventh with a final win over Brown City B (170-105).

The fourth tournament is scheduled for February 2nd at Ubly high with Marlette, Peck ,Sandusky ,Bad Axe and CPS taking part.

Final Results from the Bad Axe Tournament 1-16-17

1st Bad Axe A 4-0 690 points

2nd Brown City A 2-2 385 points

3rd Ubly 3-1 515 points

4th Bad Axe C 2-2 255

5th Peck B 3-1 315 points

6th Peck A 2-2 270 points

7th Bad Axe B 2-2 360 points

8th Brown City B 1-3 235 points

9th Marlette A 2-2 340 points

10th Sandusky B 1-3 285 points

11th Sandusky A 1-3 250 points

12th Marlette B 1-3 210 points

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