Sandusky city council approved the purchase of property on the city’s west side that in time, could connect M-46 to Diamond Trail with a walkway. After discussing the topic at an earlier meeting, council formally took action to purchase the land that is 36 feet wide and nearly 800 feet long at a cost of just under $1,200 dollars.
City Manager Dave Faber told council there is a possibility of connecting the walkway to a new sidewalk that is set to be built along M-46, west of town.
Also in council news, the Sandusky Airport continues to see improvements while work continues towards further expansion.
City council members learned Monday night that a new hangar that is scheduled to be constructed may, in fact, be somewhat larger than originally planned to accommodate potential clients with larger aircraft.
he $500,000 private investment slated for the airport will provide new hangar space for bigger planes and a aircraft maintenance area.
Any possible extensions of a proposed runway could not be completed until an older hangar on the property’s east end is removed and re-located.