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SEFA Chairman selected; Begins October 1st

Representatives from three entities flipped coins to determine the first Sanilac East Fire Authority Chairman
(PORT SANILAC) – The three entities joining together to form the new Sanilac East Fire Authority met briefly Thursday evening to determine who would sit as the board’s first chairman. Representatives from Forrester and Sanilac Townships, and the Village of Port Sanilac, met at the Port Sanilac fire hall for a coin flip, using silver dollars.
Forrester Township won the toss and will seat a representative as the board’s Chairman for a one year term. The Village of Port Sanilac won the second toss and will chair the board beginning July 1, 2019 while a Sanilac Township representative will lead the board the third year.
The new Fire Authority is expected to begin operations October 1st and will seat their full seven member board at an organizational meeting October 10th.
In other news regarding the new Fire Authority, although it was not addressed at their meeting Thursday afternoon, the Sanilac Township board has established a water usage fee for those tapping their township hydrants.
Supervisor Bill Noelke confirmed there will be a $500 fee to any fire department, including the newly formed Sanilac East Fire Authority which the township is a part of, for using hydrants in the Water District.
For all others, including private contractors, the fee will be $4 dollars per thousand gallons of water and a $100 fee.
Noelke said the board didn’t think it was fair for the 258 users on the township’s system to pay for the extra water.

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