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Brown City to allow hunters to thin goose population at lagoons

(BROWN CITY) – As a part of Brown City’s Master Plan updating, the city will be holding a Public Visioning Session. The meeting will be held as part of a regular Planning Commission meeting Thursday, November 2nd at 7:00 PM in the Brown City Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room.
A representative from McKenna Associates, the planning firm assisting the Planning Commission with the update, will lead the Visioning Session. Residents are encouraged to attend and participate.
In other Brown City news, geese are being blamed as the culprits of increased fecal coliform at the city’s lagoon. Recent testing showed higher than normal levels allowed by the DEQ.
While MDEQ suggested using scarecrows; fluttering metallic ribbons or loud noises, City Manager Clint Holmes said a consensus of an informal local survey showed the optimal solution was a 12 gauge shotgun.
Holmes said after talking with the city’s attorney, there is no legal issue to hunt the geese, if permission granted at an individual’s request and it’s in season.
Safety was also on the minds of Brown City council members Monday when they decided to have the old civil defense fire hall siren moved to the city park to be used a storm warning device in the southwestern part of the city.
The move, contracted to Maurer Electric of Bad Axe, will cost the city around $5,000. Council chose not have the siren repainted, saving around $2,500.
Council also set the hours for next week’s Trick-of-Treat hours from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

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