The Port Huron Police is currently investigating a series of armed robberies that have occurred in our community since the end of November 2019 and we need your help.
The following robberies of local businesses have occurred on these dates & locations of:
1. 11/28/19 the Speedway Gas Station, 2611 Ravenswood Rd., Port Huron
2. 12/17/19 the Speedway Gas Station, Ravenswood Rd., Port Huron
3. 12/18/19 the Family Video, 10th St., Port Huron
4. 12/20/19 – Quality Inn and Suites, Yeager St., Port Huron Township
The suspect in these robberies is described as a black male, medium build. During these robberies he was armed with a handgun and concealed his face with a mask. The suspect confronted the employee(s) of the listed businesses and forced them to empty the registers of money before fleeing the locations.
On Dec 27th, 2019 (Friday) the Speedway Gas Station, at 2318 Oak St., Port Huron, was robbed by an unknown race male, armed with a handgun and had his face concealed by a mask. The suspect confronted an employee, forcing the employee to remove cash from the register before fleeing the business.
The Port Huron Police Department Major Crimes Unit and Criminal Investigative Division have been investigating all of these robberies. MCU and CID are currently attempting to identify the suspect(s) and any vehicles involved.
The investigation of these robberies and the arrest of the involved suspect or suspects is the top priority of the Port Huron Police Department.
The Port Huron Police Department reminds our local businesses to be cautious and to report suspicious activity immediately to Central Dispatch Authority. Port Huron Police Department also reminds local businesses to follow best practices for employee safety, such as: multiple employees working during a shift, especially at night, follow proper protocols dealing with the handling of money, and that businesses make sure that building safety features such as lighting, alarms, and surveillance systems are working properly.
Attached on the Sanilac Broadcasting website are still photos from recent robberies.
Citizens with information concerning these robberies can contact this department through the following means:
Central Dispatch Authority at 810-985-8115
Port Huron Police Department main number at 810-984-8415
Port Huron Police Department Major Crimes Unit at 810-984-5383
Capture hotline at 810-987-6688 or Tip Submit through
A cash award is being offered through CAPTURE. The CAPTURE program pays CASH up to $1,000.00 if your anonymous tip leads to the suspect(s) capture.