Area fairs hope for 2021 season

Once again, area fair boards are meeting to consider whether or not they will be holding fairs this summer or for the second straight year, cancelling the popular events. At a recent meeting of the Huron Community Fair Board, members and Junior Livestock representatives, discussed plans for the 2021 Huron Community Fair. If state regulations allow, the plan is for a return to the traditional fair, August 1st-7th of this year. If restrictions prevent the operation of a traditional fair, plans are to repeat similar “show and go” shows for animals that will be comparable to the shows held last summer. Officials said with the uncertainty about the Fair and current restrictions, market steer tagging scheduled for this Saturday is postponed until a later date. The April 10th date for tagging of feeder steers is also currently postponed. The Fair Board plans to make a final decision about the Fair format in the first week of May. Currently, Sanilac County Board members are intending to move forward with this year’s fair in August. Both counties cancelled their traditional fairs last year due to COVID-19.

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