Adam Bullcok, the man accused of hitting and killing an elderly woman with his vehicle in Peck in October was bound over to Sanilac County Circuit Court Monday.
The 31-year old Peck resident was bound over to circuit court on failure to stop at the scene of an accident, when at fault, resulting in death; failure to stop at the scene of an accident resulting in serious impairment or death; lying to a peace officer; moving violation causing death, and two added charges of removing, destroying or tampering with evidence.
He faces a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison if convicted.
Bullock, a member of the Elk fire department at the time, told investigators he saw the woman collapse in the roadway and went to her assistance, but did not mention that she was hit by a vehicle.
Mary Ann Longuski, 77, also of Peck, was critically injured in the incident near the intersection of Elk and Lapeer Streets in Peck and later died as a result of her injuries.