The onset of warm spring time weather is welcomed by many, but also serves as the beginning of severe weather season. As they have for many years, the National Weather Service is reaching out to volunteers who may wish to attend one of several virtual or in-person Sky Warn Spotter Training classes in the state. The Firebird theater in Sandusky will once again be the host site of an in-person class on Tuesday, April 19th beginning at 7 p.m. Todd Hillman, Sandusky Fire Chief and Sanilac County Emergency Management Director said the free class is open to the public and he encourages whoever might be interested in learning more about severe weather to attend. According to authorities, during severe weather, spotter reports are crucial to the warning decision process. Among the topics to be discussed will be recognition of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes, a review of severe weather events from last year and identifying severe weather cloud formations. A similar class will be held Tuesday, May 10th at 7 p.m. at the St. Clair County Building in Port Huron.