Sandusky City Council moved this Monday to start looking at bids from farmers interested in farming the 30 acres previously designated for usage by Trelleborg in Sandusky’s Industrial Park. At present, the 30 acres south of Park Drive is grass-covered, and has been maintained by the DPW/Airport Manager. By essentially renting out the land, the city hopes to collect additional revenue, with possible annual proceeds from the land ranging from $1500 to $6000. The council also moved that, to expedite the process for the farmer, that once a bidder has been selected after the May 22 bid date, the mayor and city manager will be authorizing the lease agreement so the farmer won’t have to wait until the next council meeting on June 6 to get to work.
Also at Monday night’s meeting, council members discussed “going out for bids” for roof work on three city buildings: the Waste Water Treatment Plant, the City Hall and Greenwood Cemetary’s Chapel. The Water Treatment Plant and City Hall would be getting new flat roofs to prevent leaks that ruin work materials and cause employee discomfort. Meanwhile, the chapel’s roof is in need of replacement due to age, and the council has two replacement material options– steel or shingles– to consider while bidding. Once prices for all three types of roof are gathered, the city council will make further decisions.