July proves busy month for St. Clair County traffic enforcement


In just 31 days, the St. Clair County Sheriff Office made 116 traffic stops, almost 60 speeding citations, nearly 20 moving violations and six misdemeanor arrests during their July traffic enforcement along the M-25 corridor in Burchville Township.
Traffic data from 2017 to 2021 was analyzed this year, with it being found that 265 people were injured in 109 crashes in that time, with 13 of the 109 incidents leaving victims with incapacitating injuries, and five incidents leaving 7 dead.
Following this analysis, the St. Clair Sheriff’s Office focused on traffic enforcement, putting in 78 hours of directed patrol in the area.
Sheriff Lieutenant Scott Jones had the dubious honor of the month’s most notable arrest, which happened around 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 28 on M-25. That was about the time that a southbound vehicle blew through the 55 MPH zone at a speed of 131 MPH, resulting in a traffic stop and arrest of a 25-year-old man from Hazel Park.
He was lodged at the St. Clair County Intervention and Detention Center on charges of reckless driving, his car being impounded in the meantime.

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