Marcus King, deputy for and brother of St. Clair County Sheriff Mat King, was suspended without pay earlier this week after pleading guilty on Monday of operating while intoxicated.
Sheriff King, who had recused himself from the internal investigation, says the investigation finished Tuesday, December 6, with his brother needing to follow several particular stipulations before he can return to work after the suspension. He did not mention what those stipulations were, nor how long the deputy is suspended for.
Marcus King received a 93-day jail sentence for operating while intoxicated. The jail sentence may be suspended if King pays a $450 fine and completes an Adult Alcohol Awareness Weekend with Class A Training Center in Port Huron. King, who paid the fines on Tuesday, December 6, already has a credit of one day served, with his review hearing set for January 13 at 9:00 a.m.
King, who has worked for the sheriff’s department since 2005, was pulled over after an off-duty Port Huron officer saw a car swerving near Range Road as it headed west on Lapeer Road before 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 6. He was arrested and then lodged at the Lapeer and St. Clair County Jails until he sobered up, according to Sheriff Mat King.
Marcus King was arraigned on November 14, charged with a misdemeanor for operating with a blood alcohol level of 0.17 or above, with that charge later being reduced to just operating while intoxicated.