Sanilac Commissioners: Public comment for proposed military training airspace expansion extended, to be discussed with National Guard officials

Public comment has been extended in regards to a proposed expansion of military combat training airspace by the Michigan Air National Guard that has some Thumb-area residents concerned.
The proposed expansion would affect current Sanilac County districts 1, 2 and 3, which covers most of the Thumb’s northern area and shoreline. District 1 Commissioner Jon Block noted the January 14 extension at Tuesday’s board of commissioners’ meeting, saying that the public comment period may be extended even more. He also shared with his fellow commissioners that some constituents expressed worry about increased noise level, jets flying lower and military flares possibly affecting water and property.
To that end, he, Commissioner Roger Ballard and Commissioner Bill Sarkella will be meeting with Brig. Gen. Bryan J. Teff of the Michigan Air National Guard on Tuesday, January 3rd, to gain further clarification on the topic. One question Commissioner Block has for the commander is why there was no public notification about the proposed expansion in Sanilac County, but plenty of it in others.
The proposal is expected to be approved and implemented by late summer of 2023, and will expand and intensify military training airspace to an additional 1,633 nautical square miles-covering Huron, Tuscola and Sanilac Counties, extending as far south as the Port Sanilac area. A portion of the proposed training area in the Thumb would allow military aircraft to train as low as 500 feet above the ground.

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