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Sanilac commissioners discuss alternative energy guide book during finance meeting

In addition to hearing a presentation from Bob Brown of the Region VII Area Agency on Aging, the Sanilac County Board of Commissioners reappointed Joyce Johnson, Brett Lester, Elva Mills and Jessica Simon to the Community Mental Health Board on Tuesday, March 21.
The four will be on the mental health focused board for another three-year term, which ends in March 2026. The commissioners also authorized the purchasing of a forklift for the recycling center, and ModUcom radio console computers and the annual subscription of the Smart 911 application for the county’s central dispatch.
With Sanilac County Transportation’s building lease approved at Tuesday’s meeting, the county health department was next to have theirs reviewed later on at the Finance and Administration meeting. Also discussed in the finance meeting was commissioning consulting firm Beckett & Raeder to prepare a “guidebook to provide local municipalities information and guidance on how to address alternative energy projects.”
However, the commissioners made clear in the regular meeting that the board is taking no one’s side in the current townships vs citizens issue with alternative energy, such as in Speaker and Fremont Townships. Work on the guidebook would not proceed until it’s determined if grant funding from EGLE is available.
The board meets again on Tuesday, April 4, at 1:00 p.m.

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