Following a visit to the county fair in Caro last week, a Tuscola County resident suffering from flu-like symptoms is being tested for swine flu, the Tuscola County Health Department announced yesterday.
While there is no news as to the results of the lab test, the health department is urging anyone who attended the Tuscola County Fair to contact their primary care provider or the health department if they develop any flu-like symptoms after. Symptoms to monitor for are: fever, respiratory symptoms like cough and runny nose, and body aches, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services notes that the time period it takes from exposure to illness for variant influenza is similar to that of seasonal influenza, which can be up to 10 days, but is most commonly three days. The fair was held in Caro from Sunday, July 23 through Saturday, July 29.
The testing and announcement come after the Lapeer and Oakland county health departments identified a presumptive positive human case of influenza A H3 variant (swine flu) in a Lapeer County resident who was an exhibitor at the Oakland County Fair. That fair took place July 7-16 at the Springfield Oaks County Park in Davisburg.