(KINDE) — The North Huron FFA chapter in Kinde has been awarded $2,500 as part of the FFA: Food For All program. The nationwide program provides grant money to local FFA chapters to support year-long service-learning projects that address local hunger needs. The North Huron FFA plans to use the funds to develop two projects to help fight hunger in the communities of Kinde, Port Austin and Port Hope. The first is the broiler project where students raise broilers in the fall for the Michigan FFA Broiler Competition. In addition to raising broilers for the competition, 100 broilers are raised to be donated to the Kinde Food Pantry and another 100 are raised to be processed at a USDA facility and served as part of school lunches. The grant will also be used to expand the community garden by adding more raised bed gardens. The twelve gardens built last year grew over 400 pounds of vegetables. The community garden is a project in conjunction with North Huron elementary. Six elementary classrooms will work with a secondary agriscience class over a two-month period to grow and learn about vegetables.