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Training session “Human Traffickers Among Us: Learn How to Spot Them” in Oakland County

(OAKLAND COUNTY) — “Human Traffickers Among Us: Learn How to Spot Them” an educational training session is being held on May 9th at the Oakland County Conference Center and is sponsored by the Metro Detroit Chapter of the US National Committee for UN Women.
The Metro Detroit Chapter of the US National Committee for UN Women joins with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) – Detroit for an educational training session to teach the general public, first responders and police officials how to spot the red flags of human trafficking.
Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) -Detroit/Transnational Crimes Task Force (TCFF) representatives will provide a training session to explain the methods and techniques employed by traffickers and human smugglers. They will also provide tips on how to spot traffickers and discuss programs designed to help the victims.
Participants at this training session will learn the following from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI):
What is Human Trafficking
The difference between Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking Indicators/Red Flags
HSI’s Focus Relating to Human Trafficking
HSI’s Victim Assistance Program
HSI’s Blue Campaign (Outreach and Education Program)
“The public will benefit in hearing from an authoritative expert on this subject,” said Lori Blaker, President of the Metro Detroit Chapter of the USNC-UN Women, and CEO/President of TTi Global. “It is our hope that people will take the time to learn how to spot human trafficking abuses from the experts.”
“First responders are often at the tip of the spear when it comes to initial contact with trafficking victims. It’s critical that they understand the nature of these heinous crimes so they recognize the indicators,” said Marlon Miller, special agent in charge of HSI Detroit. “Well informed first responders can mean the difference between an individual being rescued or continued victimization.”
Human trafficking investigations often result from a tip from the general public. HSI encourages the public to report suspicious activity by calling its toll-free number: 1-866-347-2423. From outside the U.S. and Canada, callers should dial 802-872-6199. Tips can also be submitted online at The training session is being held from 5-7 PM (with doors opening at 4:30 PM). The event is free to the public, however a suggested donation of $10 to the Metro Detroit Chapter of the US National Committee for UN Women is welcomed. Space is limited. Please reserve in advance on-line at: or by calling 248-417-6725.
The Oakland County Conference Center is located at 2100 Pontiac Lake Road, Bldg. 41 West in Waterford. This event is being sponsored in part by, TTi Global, Oakland County Conference Center, Plus One Meetings and UptownPR.

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