Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced Wednesday that 16 villages and cities across the state with populations less than 10,000 will receive road funding grants, including the cities of Bad Axe, Lapeer and Marysville.
Established by the state Legislature in 2018 and administered by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), the Community Service Infrastructure Fund is a stop-gap program to help fund road projects in small communities.
Successful projects were selected, in part, because they are paired with planned infrastructure work, coordinated with other road agencies, focused on extending the useful life of the road, and have limited other funding sources. Grant awards range from $50,700 to $250,000 for road resurfacing, culvert replacement, pavement crack sealing, and other preservative measures.
Marysville and Lapeer received the full funding of $250,000, while Bad Axe received $162,500 in funding. Bad Axe plans to use the funding for work on South Hanselman Street, while Marysville will be using their funds for work on Pennsylvania Avenue and 15th Street. The city of Lapeer plans to put their funds to work with their Pine Street project.