The Lexington Woman’s Life hosts Children’s Books/Diapers/Wipes drive to support Community Baby Shower
Counted among the Lexington Woman’s Life Chapter are a wide variety of women, including community leaders, women in the work force, retired women, and two new mothers. These new moms have come to value the support shown to young families in Sanilac County. Support like the Community Baby Shower, which is FREE to any new or expecting mom in Sanilac County. Moms attending the event can expect to receive prizes, treats, resources, and all of the information needed to get their little ones off to a great start!
The Shower spurred the Lexington Woman’s Life Chapter to host a Children’s Books/Diapers/Wipes drive to support the event. Kaylee Gilberg, Lexington Woman’s Life Chapter 927 president, amd the chapter’s newest mother, said the community is encouraged to make donations of new or gently-used children’s books, diapers (no small sizes please), and wipes. There will be two drop-off locations in the County:
Sanilac County Health Department Counseling Services (located on the west side of the building) located at 171 N. Dawson St, Suite 123 in Sandusky. Drop-offs welcome Monday-Friday from 8 am -4 pm
The Sanilac County Historic Museum located at 228 Ridge St (M25) in Port Sanilac. Drop-offs welcome Tuesday-Friday from 11 am- 4 pm.
The Community Baby Shower will be held on May 1, and Lexington Woman’s Life members will be there offering the collected books, diapers, and wipes to attendees. They will also be sharing additional information about the Chapter, for those that may be interested. Complete details about the Community Baby Shower can be found here:…/community-baby-shower…
Lexington Woman’s Life is currently accepting new members. The group meets on the 1st Thursday of each month, presently via Zoom meetings. Women in the Thumb area are welcome to join the Chapter to have fun, build friendships, and engage in community outreach. Those wishing more information about the Chapter are encouraged to visit their Facebook page at “Lexington Woman’s Life”
Woman’s Life provides meaningful financial assistance to help women as they work together to make a positive difference in their communities. For more information on joining the Lexington Woman’s Life Chapter 927, contact Kaylee Gilberg at for more information on joining the Woman’s Life Chapter, please visit